On February 15th, 2013, my friend, Kay Hatfield took her endowments out in the Monticello Temple. I was one of the few she asked to go with her. I knew it would be a hard day to go with the kids being out of school 1/2 day, it being Zander's birthday, and having to find a sitter for the youngest 2 children, but I wanted to make the effort. It was difficult, but the trip was so worth it! Kay is Talynn's grandma, and doesn't have anyone in her family that could go with her. Our family taught her and Talynn the new member discussions, which was a neat experience for our family. Kay wanted to go through the temple in January, but couldn't find a day, so she decided to go through on her mother's birthday (her mom passed away in August). It was such a neat experience. I'm so glad I went! We enjoyed lunch together at a restaurant in Moab afterwards. It was a fantastic day! I'm so glad I have Kay for a friend and that I can learn from her testimony.
Kay and Conae Black--her escort. They work together in the library at church. |
I'm so glad you have pictures! I must take some off of here. What a special day.