Monday, February 22, 2010

Zander's FIVE!

Happy birthday to my Zander bug. I can't believe you are already five! You are funny, handsome, quick witted, and super smart. Your preschool teacher is always telling me that she feels she can't keep the work in school hard enough for you. You are learning very quickly, and I love that. You are excited to start Kindergarten in the fall, and I'll miss having you around. You are a good helper with your brothers, and I know Micah will miss his playmate.

Zander wanted a Phinneas and Ferb cake for his birthday this year. I didn't have time to get very creative with it as we had to go to Price that day, but we found some clip art online and this is what we came up with it. Those of you who have seen the show will appreciate it. :) Zander loved it.

For his birthday this year Zander got two new V-tech games for his handheld system, The newest Ice Age movie, a baseball and bat, legos, an Avatar plug and play game, two new outfits that will be perfect for this summer, and a glider plane from Uncle Thomas' family. (those of you who have been around Zander recently know that he loves paper airplanes because he's probally asked you to make one for him--definantly not one of mom's specialty's)

Love you Zander bug!

1 comment:

  1. This is what I remember Ian looking like!!! ahhh. so cute. Happy birthday.


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