Monday, February 22, 2010

A new do!

I've been dreading cutting Eli's hair because I knew this would happen. He would look all grown up and no longer like my little baby boy. I finally decided that the hair hanging down in his eyes all the time was too much, and it was time for a haircut. My sister, Nichole was visiting and took the pics for me--thanks sis. :) He sat still for me and everything! (well as still as a 6 1/2 month old will!)I was right. He's now a little boy and not so much a baby. I guess it's okay now--after all, he sure is a handsome little guy!

1 comment:

  1. so cute. I cried when I cut Carly's bangs when she was 18 months old. She had so much hair and I was always pulling it back from her head in little pony tails. It seemed to bother her so I cut bangs and she didn't look like my baby. I was so traumatized. After I got over the shock I liked it better.....

    That baby is adorable. you did an excellent job.


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