I had my sister, Nichole, make a quick little invite for Zander's baptism. She always does such a good job at translating what I want into awesomeness! :) Thanks, sis. We knew that not a lot of family would be able to attend, but we wanted to make sure everyone knew about his baptism and were invited.
Zander and John by the font. Zander was excited to be baptized! Zander had his interview with the bishop at church the Sunday before. While sitting at dinner that afternoon, we asked him how his interview went. His reply was, "I must have passed!" The bishop was letting him get baptized. lol :) That gave us a chuckle.
Grandma and Grandpa Hughes and Zander.
Those who stood in the circle: (L to R) Kim McFarlane, Grandpa Millett, Daddy, Grandpa Hughes, and Bishop Bayles.
Our family--they sure are getting big! Cute bunch too! As it is with having 6 kids, it takes us a few shots to get everyone looking decent. lol These were some of the best shots.
John, Grandpa Millett and Zander.
Dad, Mom and Zander.
Grandma Millett gave the talk on Baptism, and I gave the talk on the Holy Ghost. (We figured out at 9:30pm the night before that we had both written the talk on baptism, so I re-wrote mine. lol And had to call and have the program changed the morning of--Oops! A little mis-communication there! It all worked out though.)After his baptism, we had everyone migrate to our house. It was a nice enough day we were able to have our barbecue out back. The kids enjoyed playing tether ball and basketball.
Grandma and Grandpa Millett brought Zander a little red hymn book to go in the Scripture case and Scriptures we got him. He chose red scriptures and a blue case. He is pretty proud to have his own set now! In addition to our parents, and John's brother Thomas' family, the Robertson's came to help us celebrate.
After the barbecue, we played some card games with my parents. When everyone had gone home, Zander decided to get to work building his Ninjago lego set. He locked himself in my scrapbook room so that the little kids wouldn't mess up his set, or lose the pieces. Smart boy!
Sunday morning, I found him working on it again. He was able to finish it before getting ready for church. He was so proud he was able to build it all by himself! It turned out pretty cool!
Love you Zander! So happy for you and the decision you made to be baptized. We love you!
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