Monday, May 3, 2010

Bathroom Re-do

I guess it's not really a re-do, it's more of a finish up. I painted my kid's bathroom about two years ago. I was trying to match the color of the butterflies on the shower curtain. I couldn't find an exact match, so I did the best I could. My sister Cassy was visiting and helped me pick a color from the paint samples I had. We had it narrowed down to two, one a little darker, and one a little lighter. They were both very close. I ultimately decided that I'd rather have it a little darker. I liked it, but it wasn't quite right. Cassy suggested doing a finish on the wall with the other color. I couldn't decided what to do, so it stayed yellow for the last two years. I finally got back in the mood to finish the bathroom, so when I was at Wal-mart, I bought the paint and sponge to finish the job. On Saturday I painted. I LOVE the result! My walls now match my shower curtain! :) I'm not done yet though. I am going to sand down the cabinet in there (it's in some desperate need of a little TLC--the varnish is coming off) and paint it white, and add drawer pulls. I think it will update it and make it look clean. John isn't convinced of the white, but he doesn't see the vision like I do. LOL I'm also going to add some antique windows with pictures of the kids in them to the walls. So, I'll post the final result when I finish my two year project. Hopefully it won't be another two years before I get to it!

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