Friday, April 30, 2010

Nine Months Old

Eli turned 9 months old on the 20th of April. At his doctor appointment he weighed 18 lbs. even and was 29 inches long. He's in the 50th percentile for height and the 25th percentile for weight. These are just some pictures I took of him on our front lawn. Isn't he cute?? And his hair has gone so blonde! He is into everything as he is crawling. Some of his favorites are the CDs under the computer desk, and the dirt of the plant. He is pulling himself up to standing and just this week started walking around/along the furniture as he is holding on. It won't be long now before I'm blogging that he is walking! (I can wait!) He loves to play paddy cake and peek a boo. He says "dada" when you ask him to say "mama" (traitor), and has a very contagious smile. He likes to point at nothing in particular. He loves music, and often pulls himself up to the piano as I'm teaching to plink the high notes and giggle. He is discovering the joys of being a little brother as Micah tortures him to no end. (Micah's favorite being crawling over the top of Eli so he is underneath him and they are both moving. Micah sees it as a game, and Eli is just screaming and trying to crawl away and not quite able to figure out how to get out!) When Micah leaves him alone, he is such a happy boy, and we love having him in our home. Love you little buddy! Happy 9 month birthday!


  1. LUV LUV LUV this kid! He must have good genes cause he is CUTE! :D

  2. I cant believe how big he is getting! I am loving the blond...i thought it was one of your other kid for a minute...He is a cutie!

  3. Oh my goodness!!!! HOW ADORABLE! He is like a tiny little John! :) SOOOOOOOOOO cute!


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