Monday, February 22, 2010

Baby Jacob

My sister, Cassy, lost her baby boy this past week. He was tiny at 2 pounds, 12 ounces and only 13 inches long. They named him Jacob Merrill Tenney, after my grandpa. He was very loved, and will be missed. The funeral was very sweet. My dad gave a wonderful talk, and all the cousins sang I am a Child of God. As a member of thier bishopric was giving final comments, he said he wanted to talk to Cassy's children--Issac, Abbie, and Kaden. He told a story of listening to President Monson talk at his boss' funeral and asking the children to be mindful of their mother. He said he wanted Cassy's kids to do the same thing--"your mom may be sad and crying, but those are the times when she needs you to give her a hug, and tell her you love her." I happened to look up the few rows to where my sister sat with her family and sweet little Abbie right then, leaned over to her mom, gave her a kiss on the cheek and said, "I love you!" That made me smile. What a blessing children are. :) I love you Cassy! You are in our thoughts and prayers!

1 comment:

  1. That was a nice post. In fact your post was so nice, that now my post is jealouse :) We love sweet Jacob, and his family is in our hearts and prayers.


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